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Evaluation of UNICEF’s L3 response in Yemen

Final report expected: Autumn 2023

In July 2015, UNICEF’s Executive Director activated the Corporate Emergency Procedure Level 3 Scale-Up Procedure for Yemen, which remained in place until 31 December 2022. This procedure has implications on a range of UNICEF functions and includes a package of minimum actions and simplifications which aim to make UNICEF more ‘predictable, timely and efficient in its coordination, response and advocacy’.

The evaluation of UNICEF’s L3 response in Yemen has accountability and learning purposes. If fulfils the requirement of the UNICEF Evaluation Policy (2018) whereby all L3 emergencies must be evaluated, and is expected to help generate learning to support programming strategies and operational planning, while shaping the ongoing response in Yemen. The evaluation is further expected to capture learning and make actionable recommendations to inform UNICEF efforts across future L3 emergencies. The evaluation aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of UNICEF’s overall response in Yemen between the period 2019-2022, measured against its own mandate, corporate commitments, stated objectives and standard evaluation criteria.