Every few months, our thought provoking blog posts appear to shed light on selected topical humanitarian themes and issues that we consider paramount. These blog entries deliver key messages in a non-technical fashion.
Often, blog posts are inspired by our evaluation and research work.

Building Back (B)righter [blog entry]
by Ed Schenkenberg van Mierop. The title of US President-elect Joe Biden’s transition website will not be lost on those working in the humanitarian and

Humanitarianism in denial[blog entry]
by Ed Schenkenberg van Mierop. Other than being islands, Manus, Bhasan Char, and Lesbos have something else in common: they are the Alcatraz of our

Risky business (and what’s next for the Grand Bargain)[blog entry]
by Ed Schenkenberg van Mierop. As 30-odd political and humanitarian leaders lined up for the photo op to mark the signing of the Grand Bargain

No crystal ball needed – evaluating the COVID-19 response [blog entry]
by Ed Schenkenberg van Mierop. Sooner or later, governments, UN organisations, NGOs, and others will undertake after-action reviews and evaluations of their response to the

After COVID-19: Time to reset [blog entry]
by Ed Schenkenberg van Mierop. COVID-19 is sending shockwaves through our personal lives and the societies in which we live. No country, however developed, however

Keep it complex, stupid[blog entry]
By Ed Schenkenberg van Mierop & Marzia Montemurro. The idea that systems work best if they avoid complexity and typify simplicity is one that most